Holiday Enquiries
0800 840 5801
Mon - Sun: 9am - 8pm
Manage my booking

Manage My Booking

Welcome to Manage My Booking, a secure online portal that lets you know everything and anything about your holiday.
From accessing your travel itinerary to updating your passport details; from making a secure holiday payment to printing your travel documentation, our easy-to-use portal provides a stress-free way of keeping up with your booking without having to call us.

To log in you will need your Imagine Cruising booking reference, your surname and date of birth.

What can you do online?

Cruise Line Check-in
View your booking details

View your booking itinerary, as well as all traveller information and your payment history

Check-in with your cruise line

Your cruise line may require some essential information from you in order to create your passenger profile and produce your ticket ready for departure, click on the link below to find your relevant cruise line and their requirements if applicable.

Cruise Line Check-In
Manage My Booking
Make a payment

Pay part or all of your outstanding balance. Simply log in and click on the ‘Make a Payment’ tab

Update your passport information

Please update your passport information for all travellers as this is essential for us to print your tickets in good time.

Provide Emergency Contact Details

To ensure we have the most up to date information in case of an emergency

Print your travel documents

You can access all your travel documents, invoices and ATOL certificate

Manage My Booking

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